
This season so far on various points I have hinted to this and now felt the need to address it a bit, its not new but felt that I had to add my own insight on this.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is often an overlooked aspect of athletic performance, but it can be a game-changer in basketball. Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive and understand emotions, both in oneself and in others. This skill is crucial for athletes, particularly those playing in team sports like basketball, where communication and empathy are essential. Athletes with high EQ are self-aware, self-regulating, and able to communicate effectively with their teammates. This helps them to support each other and continually work toward improving their skills, ultimately leading to better overall performance.

In basketball, consistency is key to success. Coaches and teammates need players who can perform well in every game, regardless of the circumstances. Emotionally intelligent athletes possess the ability to regulate their emotions, allowing them to play consistently and stay focused on their goals. These players are not only aware of their own strengths and weaknesses but also those of their teammates. This awareness enables them to provide valuable support and encouragement, making them an asset to their team.

Here are ten things high EQ players don’t do, which can serve as a guide for athletes seeking to improve their emotional intelligence:

  1. Waste energy on the refs: High EQ players focus on the next play, rather than dwelling on referee decisions.
  2. Stop communicating: These players value communication and always strive to maintain open lines of dialogue with their teammates.
  3. Have negative body language: High EQ athletes exude confidence and poise, even when facing adversity.
  4. Tear others down: Emotionally intelligent players build their teammates up, offering encouragement and constructive feedback.
  5. Get inward: High EQ athletes remain focused on the team, even when facing personal challenges.
  6. Reject feedback: Emotionally mature players are open to feedback and see it as an opportunity for growth.
  7. Lower their effort or commitment: High EQ players maintain a consistent work ethic, regardless of the situation.
  8. Blame: Emotionally intelligent athletes take responsibility for their actions and their team’s performance.
  9. Panic or cause drama: High EQ players maintain their composure in high-pressure situations, helping to stabilize the team.
  10. Exclude teammates: Emotionally intelligent athletes act as connectors, ensuring that all team members feel included and valued.

To develop emotional intelligence, athletes should focus on controlling what they can, communicating effectively, taking responsibility, maintaining poise, and including all teammates. By working on these skills, athletes can become high EQ players, making a significant impact on their team’s success both on and off the court. The power of emotional intelligence should not be underestimated, as it can truly make a difference in the world of basketball.

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